Daniel Mullen

Photo of Daniel Mullen, courtesy of ArtConnect.

Rotterdam-based painter Daniel Mullen was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1985.

Mullen’s works question sensory perception, including light, darkness, form, and color. Acknowledging that we subsist in an era of mass digitization, his works also explore how our visual and emotional sensitivities might be shifting as we flow between our physical environment and the techno-sphere, aided in part by back-lit digital devices.

With his work, Mullen aims to question these shifting modes of perception through dialectical compositions, expressions of color, light, and darkness. His paintings may appear as digital renderings; however, upon closer inspection, his paintings reveal the materiality by which they are constructed. These works are evidence of time-consuming craftsmanship that does not seek binary perfection, but rather embraces nuance, imperfection, and materiality.